"LOL, no problem. I figured it was my error for using the an acronym. So put the full title in the side bar. I think "Pleasantville" might fit at least in a metaphoric sort of way ;)"

"Thanks for the nominations they have been added to the list. Hum, only 42 films nominated so far... still it is a good start :)"

"Thanks all the nominations have been added :)"

"Thanks, your nominations have been added. Great choices, I think I went more old school with my nominations ;)"

"Right now the list only has nominations for films to be considered in the voting pool. So, feel free to hold off on votes until more films have been nominated."

"I think I may have said this before but I just can't bring myself to watch "2046". I started the film at one point and had a panic moment and ejected the dvd. "In the Mood For Love" was such a great f"

"Thanks, I thought centering was covered by the Listal information but it looks like it isn't so... ta'da "To Center an Image or Text" has been added."

"OK, so my goal is to eventually have 200 films and flags listed. Ah, but that is a rather hefty goal so... this list is a 'work in progress'. Still, nice to have one list where all the flag images ca"

"@phillydude Ah, see now you have me... "Gandhi" and "Sophie's Choice" are films that I haven't seen and still feel a little guilty for not watching. @the giraffe Thanks for updating the list. Yep, ba"

"Yay, I'm glad you liked "The Call of Cthulhu" and that Netflix currently has it streaming. I watched the remake of "The Taking of Pelham One Two Three". I have the feeling that the original might be "

"Nice list and even found a few films to add to my "Want to Watch" list :)"

"Ooo... none of you have seen "The Haunting" (1963). Yes, scared the piss out of me when I watched it and even after multiple viewings remains my favorite. @Xanadon't The fecal content of a film has n"

"@phillydude I actually have seen both those films but never rated them. I wouldn't mind watching "Jagged Edge" again (good thriller)... "Against All Odds" I think I still have the soundtrack running t"

"Yay, new Listal Cinema Diary record with 62 films watched. Granted, I think only 14 of those were on my NY Times check list of a 1,000 films to watch leaving me with only 727 more films to watch! (AKA"

"While August is far away. I figured I would post two proposed films for the next round. I'm pretty sure none of you have seen "No Man's Land" or "The Rapture"... and this way can save anyone the troub"

"So in theory this is the changes with the updates: Update V.2 - Was started to conform all lists to the formatting standard of having a link to a review and a trailer. Also to update with the films "

"So, any recommendations? I know this is a rough list... I have quite a few of these titles in my queue but they are all set as "Very Long Wait". So, could take a few months or years for me to see som"

"I'm usually not very impressed with IMDb's Top Films so I'm impressed that so many of my favorite shows made this list :)"

"Hum, now to just figure out what list got me started listening to the Eels ;)"

""11-11-11" Don't you hate it when people tell you "I told you so"... OK, well off to watch Human Centipede LOL ;)"

""Fanny and Alexander" I found to echo many of my feelings or thoughts about life and what is important. All while still being rather endearing. Hum... seven more days to go and I have managed to watc"

"The 1956 version of "Invasion of The Body Snatchers" is fun to watch but almost in a campy way. It is one of the classic American cold war (red scare) films. So, yep... the 1978 version remains my fav"

"Gah... after double checking I have watched 68 of these. That is actually kind of sad but yep I'll pretty much watch anything with animals on killing sprees."

"For some reason I always feel the need to make the lists semi-public after a certain time. Actually, the only reason I started making the lists public is because how the 'share on Facebook' feature wo"

"@lotr23 I have actually come across several reviews that have mentioned 'a blending of real or imagined' memories. I think there is even one on MUBI that states something similar. So, it wasn't just y"

"I can live with disliking or even hating "Enter The Void" but I would have been crushed if you had given one star to "Goon" LOL OK, brain is far to fuzzy but I can sleep peacefully now that your thou"

"With two Tilda disappointments under my belt this year, I think I can hold off on "We Need To Talk About Kevin". I still have plenty on my Palme d'Or list to watch for the year."

"Yay, I was looking for a good hocky film and for a good sports film list... a few months ago but better late then never :)"