"Updated Dec 4th 2012 - Added about a dozen more films and got a chance to sit down with a few films. There was also a considerable shift in IMDb's ranking of films."

"Intouchables, is just playing now at the local theater. So, it is doubtful that I'll get to see that many of the films before a winner is chosen. I'm hoping to be able to watch a few through pay-to-wa"

"Woo Hoo! Another year, another round of Oscar picks. I have seen none of these films. Ack... so yes... this year I have been sort of slacking of on my film watching. Still, there are some interesting "

"@giraffe Ha, I put it on my wishlist as well. The price is pretty high right now. Hopefully they will repackage the film as bluray and the price might come down... a tad."

"OK, so... ah... well... whatever. Oct, Nov and December are all going to get rolled up into one list. I just haven't been watching *any* films lately. Hopefully I will be able to try and catch up on s"

"Nice to see you following up on the films that you have managed to watch. Makes for a more interesting read. (edit) Yes, that means I might copy you in the future ;)"

"Glad to see you watched "Goon" and didn't hate it. Also nice to see that I'm not the only one who felt 'meh' about the films you rated a six. I start to worry about my sanity ;) Ah, yes... V/H/S one "

"Thanks Jamie! I added a "Just Added" section and would like to do a more full update in January. Start the year off right. I'm sure that there were a ton of horror comedy films that came out this yea"

"Well, in a glimmer of hope I started a MUBI account. Yay, they take my card unlike Netflix. Depending on how things go I'll toss Blockbuster and focus on streaming more from MUBI, Amazon and YouTube. "

"Well, I'm messed up regarding watching any films until January. Work, apartment hunting, establishing two new doctors on top of trying to juggle (weasel my way out of) holiday plans... yay! I still h"

"@Rath I have wondered about that film. Oct 11th is national cumming out day. So, I will most likely take a break from watching horror films and devote the day to LGBTQ cinema."

"It is already on the list but I'm willing to consider that a vote for the film. I have yet to see the film myself."

"Glad you got to watch 1978 version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I think both the 1978 and 1956 each have different merits. The 'red scare' aspect is more pronounced in the 1953 putting it up w"

"Yay, updated the list. Still, feel free to recommend a title. I do miss things from time to time. Up next will be an update to the Black Comedy list."

"Yes, I like your assessment of No Man's Land. Also, I can see that I won't need to bother getting my hopes up for Tall Man."

"@Xanadon't The Fred and Rose West case didn't get that much attention here in the US. Wikipidea seems rather boring as there is far more to the case then just the murders. I would like to watch an ex"

"@Aldenvdk Thanks, I add the film and update the list. @Mily OK, Nope Frida was primarily produced by the US and filmed in Mexico."

"@ultimateone Nope, it is not possible to change the color of the text that appears in the notes area on Listal."

"Glad you got to watch "Sunset Boulevard". Yep, it would be very close to the top of my favorite films of all time."

"Ha, and good to know that I can continue to avoid "God Bless America"."

"Well glad to see I'm not the only one who didn't find "Kill List" to be an amazing film. I am still looking forward to his next films."

"I think when I hit my three week mark I will just start wearing a crown in public. You know... just for formal occasions LOL"

"I only recently watched "The Legend of Hell House" and found it to be dreadful. Perhaps it is a case of which film you see first will except for the most recent adaptation of the book."

"You could also add Amazing Underrated Obscure Bizarre . Because it doesn't just have to be great... it has to be a great film that none of your friends have heard of before."

"I guess that it would be best to hold on to any movies until I'm in a new place. So, once the movies go around just hold on to them. I was mildly under the impression that the post-office might deal"

"Yes, great choices. With many of them it is their voice that is the first thing that I think about."

"Yep, I liked "Assault on Precinct 13" another one where I don't see the point in bothering with the re-make. Ha, and I forgot that we were going to watch our films once they came back to us. Ah, wel"