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jaytoast commented on a list
Black Comedy - Updated Jan 2015 (358 movies items)

"Updated but haven't added any snazzy pictures to the new entries yet."

10 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Poll - Listal's LGBTQ Favorites - Closed (181 movies items)

"I think it might be best to just start a new list for 2015."

10 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
World Cinema - Iran (62 movies items)

"Cool, I will check out the list. Just updated the list from the original one I had. The Music Room only got added because I have way too many lists, it can be easy to put a film in the wrong one. Als"

10 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
2015 Foreign Language Oscar Submissions (84 movies items)

"Nine films have been chosen to make the finalist list. It will be cut down again before the official picks are chosen. Some surprising omissions but nice to see that Mauritania first film ever submitt"

10 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
A little Welsh film selection (20 movies items)

"Wow, I think this is the first Welsh film list I have seen. Very cool :)"

10 years, 3 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Soviet Union (URSS) / Russia. Favorite movies. (31 movies items)

"Wow someone else who has actually seen "Freeze Die Come to Life"."

10 years, 3 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
2015 Foreign Language Oscar Submissions (84 movies items)

"Five years of making this list. Yay! This should be a complete list of films submitted for consideration. If there are any errors let me know"

10 years, 3 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
One Film - One Flag (139 movies items)

"Updated with a few new flags. If I'm not active you can still message me and I will add new flag images to this list."

10 years, 3 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Horror Comedy - Updating for 2014 (193 movies items)

"Starting on a new update. There were actually quite a few older films missing from the list. Any more recommendations, let me know :)"

10 years, 7 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Movies the giraffe watched in 2014: April (24 movies items)

"Easy Rider, yep what a long boring ass film then it just gets worse. Your not missing much from the ending. There a few others road movies from that era and actually "Easy Rider" was the easiest to si"

10 years, 7 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Erotica - Books Read and Recommend (39 books items)

"Erotica is something that is in the eye of the reader. So, no, I don't really consider Ulysses nor Lolita erotica. However, Madam Bovary is written with an erotic (overly romantic) tone and while it i"

10 years, 7 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Poll - Listal's LGBTQ Favorites - Closed (181 movies items)

"Ya, I just haven't been around to keep up with any of my lists. I doubt that I will be around again until after that summer??? If someone would like to take over the list, feel free to message me and "

10 years, 11 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
- Portland Oregon - In and Around (27 places items)

"Posies the bakery? I haven't been their yet. I was disappointed to see a few of my favorite bakeries have shut down."

11 years, 1 month ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Advanced List Editing (13 movies items)

"@Dark Warrior I stick with pretty basic stuff but like Onion Jack I alter stuff I find to make fancy headers or get things the size I need. I'm a photoshop junkie but here are some of the sites I use "

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Advanced List Editing (13 movies items)

"Thanks, the pixel size for the notes area has changed since I made this list but unless your making a very specific list 500pix wide is still a good number to work with. New Sizes Notes area is 538 pi"

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
best films of 2013 (18 movies items)

"I had never heard of "A Field in England" until a few days ago. Something I look forward to watching. A great list of films."

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
My 2013 Favorites - Xanadon't (40 movies items)

"I pretty horrible about staying current with films but 2013 seemed to be especially bad. I'll look forward to catching up :)"

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
2014 - Foreign Language Oscar Submissions (77 movies items)

"Updated with the January Short list of nine films: Belgium - The Broken Circle Breakdown (dir. Felix van Groeningen) Bosnia and Herzegovina - An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker (dir. Danis "

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Petition - Remove the Points System (5 movies items)

"I support. Keep votes, end points :)"

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
2013 - Five by Five (124 movies items)

"Not a problem. I have been the worst about updating what I have watched. Over-all 2013 wasn't a very good movie or being on-line year for me. I sort of dropped the ball on more then just being on List"

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
30 Movies/Just 1 Day (30 movies items)

"I think "The Thing" is one of those films where I have seen so many times that it is almost embarrassing. I used to pull it out and watch it when ever I came down with cold or flu."

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
November-December 2013 Movie Journal (33 movies items)

"I'm glad you watched "Lawn Dogs". I don't think it is a 'great' film but I did find it surprisingly good and find it odd that so few people have actually seen the film. I had to watch it after watchin"

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
The Marx Bros. - Best to worst (13 movies items)

"Yay, I have watching more films from the 1930's so I look forward to the Marx Bros. I have seen a few of their films on tv... when I was 13 or 14."

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
2014 - Foreign Language Oscar Submissions (77 movies items)

"Yay, IMDb got around to adding the missing films so now there should be nothing missing from this list. In January we should see the short list of 12 films and then the final short list."

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Cinema Diary - Vol 4 E7 - Nov & Dec (38 movies items)

"OK, yep. I haven't posted my five by five comments yet. I keep switching between working on this and the 'end of the year' list. I figured I had this list private for far too long."

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
the giraffe's Movie Exchange Program in review (35 movies items)

"Nice list. I'm glad you chose to include the films that you sent out or recommend. I'm still working on my thoughts for the film I watched in 2013. Which turned out to be a pretty bad year for film wa"

11 years, 2 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
JOHN WATERS 10 favorite movies (10 movies items)

"Never even heard of the film "Boom!". It looks terrible and therefore I must find it and watch it"

11 years, 3 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Poll - Listal's LGBTQ Favorites - Closed (181 movies items)

"Updated list and included a vote for "Weekend". @portlander I really liked that movie. I think it just sort of got written off as another 'teen sex comedy'."

11 years, 3 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Image Rules - More Detailed Information (41 books items)

"@The O.P. Yep, I changed it to reflect the new category."

11 years, 3 months ago
jaytoast commented on a list
Cinema Diary - Vol 4 E6 - The Gap (48 movies items)

"Gah, so no wonderful insights into films. My leg is torturing me this month. Not sure why sitting and typing is causing such issues :P"

11 years, 4 months ago

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