"Note: There has been a change in contents of phillydude's movies. This is a replacement package for the one that is MIA. It should arrive to the giraffe on August 21st. Also, it does not contain, whis"

"August 9th Update: So... confused and cranky. Had fun with the USPS at the national level. Then had some fun with USPS regional office. Then finally got a hold of the actual person investigating the c"

"Offical Update August 6th So, until further notice do *not* send me anything through the mail. Phillydude and my films are officially MIA, with the post office saying that the the package was signed f"

"Ha, another 'simple list' that turns into a monster. Ah, but any chance for recommendations would be great. I think #16 might need to move to another list but I would like to list 20 essential novels."

"Gah, sorry... I had company this weekend and am just now recovering. I forget how much energy small children can have, it was like a hyper-active bomb went off. Ah, but yes... I am around. I have a fe"

"I would say that I have it pretty easy. I just have to be in Portland in August but then there is finding clean cloths, shaving, learning to suppress my social tourettes. Really didn't get as much w"

"Very nice list. I just glanced at Romeos (2011) so didn't realize that it was German. So, might be worth watching. Ah, and THANK YOU for putting "Billy Elliot" under "Mistaken as gay themed movies". "

"Yay! I'm really glad you liked "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon". That films seems to be ether a 'love it' or 'hate it' film. I have made the mistake of recommending it to at least one frie"

"1. 30 Rock 2. Sherlock 3. Spooks 4. Grimm 5. Revenge 6. Person of Interest 7. American Horror Story 8. Alphas 9. Ugly Americans 10. The Walking Dead"

"For films from the 1930's I highly recommend: The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933) I'll be curious to see how the list develops and your thoughts on these films :) "

"Yay, glad you liked "Goon" sort of the 'surprise film of the year' not an award winner but wasn't a film that was even close to my radar. Ack, wile I'm sorry that you sat through "Paranoid Park" also"

"Some really great choices on this list and quite a few of them my favorites. So, I'll be check out the ones I haven't seen. Thanks :)"

"Thanks, I think this covers the top twenty countries based on user accounts for Listal. So, if there are any additions people would like to make please let me know. I also switched some of the images"

"Yay, all switched over to one standard image. I'll continue to add more based on Listal's "Top Countries". If there are ANY errors or corrections that need to be made please let me know."

"Nope thanks that was the answer I was looking for... now to just see how quickly I can make the changes to the ones I have. Yay... silly random fun :)"

"Nope your right. IMDB must have updated the film. The title listed is in Portuguese, the film is produced from Argentina, and the film is about a boy from Mexico arriving in New York... so... I have n"

"OK, so June was far less productive and more random then usual. I took some time off to read a book and enjoy the summer. This was a good thing as life has been a little on the high drama side of th"

"Hum, ya wondering about the "Bad Lieutenant" as well and wondering how well it holds up after all this time. Yes, over-the-top harsh film but I watched that before I even made any attempt to watch "Sa"

"Life chaos and Listal bla's happen to us all. Glad to see your still posting however :)"

"Yep, watched Magnolia and figured I would give "There Will Be Blood" another chance. The things that I didn't like about the film I believe could be more a part of Paul Thomas Anderson directing style"

"Yay, thanks the list has been updated with your votes and nominations :)"

"Thanks for the inclusion and yes... "The History of Horror" is also my #1 go-to list for horror films. Hum, why do I feel that I might be creating a similar list... hum... so many films to watch..."

"*sniff* I want someone to make an account with the only activity is to make crappy comments on my lists *whine*. I feel really left out of the hate... I must be doing something wrong :("

"@the giraffe Not just Dracula but Dracula in 3D! My word, I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around an Argento film in 3d. @AFIoscar Thanks. You know I was playing around with another Cannes li"

"Monster, is a show that I have been interesting in watching. I think your list has inspired me to give try."

"OK, so not as pretty or wonderful as my previous Cannes list but... my word what a task. Instead of posting synopsis or screenshots in the notes area, I did go ahead and make sure that each film had"

"24 - Torture is fine V - Was the typical communist/socials scare propaganda. Mmm free health care well obviously they are trying to kill us all. I might add "American Idol" just for promoting the fact"