"I found Hurt Locker to beautiful but boring much like Beau Travail for which I viewed the visual poetry of the later film with a tad bit more respect. http://www.listal.com/movie/beau-travail"

"@Cinephile Thanks, that means a lot. I had been wonder why I never made a friend request. Then I read your profile and remembered... yep... I'm one of those people who seems to pass out gold stars lik"

"Thanks, I think I will add that to cold... I think Munich might fit under cold as well :)"

"Thanks for adding the World Cinema list. I am however going to be removing that list soon there are three new World Cinema lists. The list of films by county is now on list list World Cinema - Vol 2"

"OK, so some of the pictures are missing but I still like this list. I knew about the global devastation cause by wheat and corn subsidies so it great to see other crops listed."

"Just as a heads up I'm going to be removing the old World Cinema list soon. The three new lists are up and 'done' at this point, at least until I get a few more new lists to add."

"Woo Hoo, well I'm not behind on my movie watching but I am behind on my dairy and won't make a full update until Friday. Which makes me... The Weakest Link! Oh, it had to be someone ;)"

"I was wondering where those list votes were coming from ;) I wavered about the TV Crushes list. I thought it might be too personal but figured that what makes an interesting list. Ah, childhood what "

"Ah... yep, "E.T." I think the whole last half hour of the film had me sobbing."

"Yay! Thanks for the recommendations. I can now put an official "Listal Recommended Section". I may make a few other changes to the list. I changed the name of 'group favorites' after all it has been a"

""The Woodsman" is such a great film but was extremely difficult to sit through. A film I always have a tough time recommending."

"I think I will rewatch "A Few Dollars More", double check any reading I might have on the trilogy and then give the last film another shot. Between the various trips and errands to run this month it h"

"You are quiet correct. I Removed the film and moved it another list. Thank you :)"

"Seems I'm the unfortunate one and have seen way too many of these and yes... all quite horrible. I'm still shaking my head over "The Resident"... how you can have such a great cast and such a horrible"

"These were the lists that I could easily find. So, let me know if there is a list you would like me to include."

"LOL, OK, so there is a little more work to do mainly formatting things to consider. Again... if there is a list that I missed please let me know."

"Yay! "Fist In The Pockets". Also, some nice 'at the movie' choices but I think I'm going to skip "A Dangerous Method" in the theater and wait for the dvd."

"@Xanadon't Yep, tonight is "Brothers" and then those are the two films I have sitting on my desk waiting to be watch. @The girfaffee Ack, I just was looking at "Buffalo '66" in my queue. It wasn't "

"Yay, thanks I added the film and noted you as the source. I haven't added all the Pusher films but after "Drive" those might move higher up in my queue."

"No problem. A few are going to be updated soon and I'll change the titles to note any new major updates."

"Ha, yep there are quite a few on here that I have pretty decided I'm not going watch. I'm surprised that The Birth of a Nation gets placed on so many '1,000' to see before you die' type lists because"

"Any suggestions here would be helpful. I normally get my recommendations for films from the Online Film Critics Society but I didn't do that for this list so... it feels a little sparse to me."

"Yay, glad to see you liked the first two films I sent. Well, actually just glad you watched them without hating them. I have been more of a slacker about the films sent to me."

"Does that mean I have to take out all the typo's and swear words? ;)"

"Yay, someone made the "Eye" list :) I think there are a few more on the "Eye Poster" image I found http://www.listal.com/viewimage/3057957"

"Ha! No... I fixed it... no more "Pink Package Plot"... yay!"

"@ Xanadon't Ya, Keane was sort of a repeat of "Clean, Shaven" but not quite as intense or well crafted. I think I'm going still try to watch "Claire Dolan" and that will officially complete watching a"

"Thanks, You know this is the only list that actually gives me nightmares to work on. Watching the actual films won't give nightmares but spending hours and hours hunting for images will Ha! I find tha"