"A few films that I'm not in love with but I really like the wide selection of films you put on the list :) Dog movies get me every time. "Wendy and Lucy (2008)" is my favorite sad/sweet canine story."
"Thanks, I added those films to the list. Hopefully, I'll find some time to watch a few of them :)"
"Nice to see "Parents" and "Meet the Applegates" two films that very few people I know have watched :) "
"Oooh, and a few of my favorites "The Secret of NIMH", "The Rescuers" and "Flushed Away""
"These are the three that I believe you'll enjoy Intoacto (2001) Four Lions (2010) Following (1998) Three that I love and am crushed when people don't like them. Delicatessen Peeping Tom (1960) Cre"
"I have added "Four Flies On Velvet" to my queue. Ah but I'm really hopping to re-watch the Dr Phibes movies. I remember loving them when I was a teen. One of the first 'many-clever-ways-to-die' films "
"I still haven't gotten around to watching "The Mirror" but I plan on re-watching "Solaris" this weekend... such a great story."
"Deathtrap had the unfortunate timing to come out after "Dressed To Kill". There was a pretty big backlash to all the gay/lesbian/cross-dresser psycho-killer films. It never quite recovered from a pois"
"1 Tilda Swinton 2 Dominique Pinon 3 Moritz Bleibtreu 4 Helen Mirren 5 Kathleen Turner 6 Anjelica Huston 7 Ian McKellen 8 Sam Rockwell 9 Eric Bana 10 Isabelle Huppert It was a tough choice for the #1 "
"I was just looking at what German films were in my queue. Great choices :)"
"@mojack I will add those films. I have watched a few more films since I first started this list so I can definitively do some moving around. @propelas Yes, I do love my revenge cold and heartless. "L"
"This obviously isn't a full listing of horror films for the year. I haven't found a good source for information. So... just adding things from time to time as I run across them."
"I think you might be officially out of luck on ever seeing a dvd print of "Song of The South". The last thing that I heard was that Disney would not be reprinting that film in any format. The interpr"
"Babel (2006)- I really liked the world wide scope and view of one woman being shot in Morocco. Vantage Point - (2008) Multiple perspectives was sort of the selling point of the film. Granted it fell "
"I really wanted to see Rubber when it came to the small theater near here but it never happened. I will most likely be hitting a horror film watching streak soon. Clear my brain of all the costume dra"
"Update V.1 Six new films added. I think I have officially surpassed the number of films listed by Wiki. I also made noted of what films I have watched since the first time I published this list."
"I'm not sure what direction you want to take with your curriculum but "Dorian Gray" might be worth a note... but only as it revers to the Aesthetics moment. I always found it odd that Oscar Wilde sp"
"Ah... "Tatie Danielle". I just re-watched the film this last year. There was only a VHS release for the film here in the US. So, it remains an obscurity to most Americans who didn't have pushy video s"
"Yay! A List! Was just talking about Mary & Max today... I think I have almost gotten most of my blood relatives to see that film now. I was also really happy to see that you enjoyed "In The Mood for "
"Well, first don't feel sorry about the "Evolution of..." lists you weren't the first member to create one. I don't mind them... I just don't really vote for them. I have watched more then a handful o"
"Crud... I put AgentLexi twice... I was trying to avoid listing a member more then once. Hum... may need to change one of the days :P"
"Don't think it will ever be complete but just stand as a random patchwork collection of information. That anyone is free to contribute or take from. I'm hoping to spend some time off line towards the"
"I also haven't seen any of the films on the list. Will have to pick up "The Raven" soon. Ah... but the original Cat People... fun... hummm... "The Haunting"... "Cat People"... obviously I have a soft "