"Hum, I wonder if I'm the only person having trouble seeing this list? Something seems off :/"

"Ha, it was strange because one of my friends had posted it on FB and it was so perfect for the horror comedy list. It was all just good timing :)"

"Update: Oct 28th 2010 OK, so this has been a full and complete update and overall of the list. All films listed have been verified by outside sources to ensure that a film has been tagged as a "Black"

"Ha, very true... but we could always start a lively debate over what was the best "Airport Disaster" film... ah now that is a genre of film making!"

"OK, it is true "Dante's Peak" is one of my favorite natural disaster films. Gah... much better then "Volcano" with Tommy Lee Jones"

"Might be cool to stick with list of just t.v. shows. "Rubicon" the character Kale Ingram has a male partner. "Lost Girl" main character with bisexual leanings. "Stargate: Universe" The character Cami"

"Nice list... I totally plan on stealing how you formatted everything... Ha! ;)"

"Ha, well the list has been edited. I'll try to come with a few more titles. "

"Stargate: Universe's Brian J. Smith and Benjamin Walker, in the film "The War Boys" http://www.listal.com/viewimage/1451106"

"I guess my biggest issue with this list is that I don't consider "The Talented Mr. Ripley", "Billy Elliot" or "Transamerica" love stories. "The Dreamers"??? is a pretty heterosexual film. I could al"

"My news feed doesn't show that I voted for this list but it does show that I have watched and rated "The Rig" three times... hmm... Well, good list... Cheers :)"

"There are a few in there that I could swear that I love but can't remember why. I'm slowly adding to this list and might put in an additional section "Group Divide" which would have the films that our"

""Alien" was 1979??? Gawh I'm old and had to double check... yep... I did see it in the theater."

"Impressive list. I have been trying to create my 'all time favorites' and not just the Listal default list. Ah but many more films to watch :)"

"Thanks, I seem to keep fiddling with the order and adding more films but I'm pretty happy with the films listed :)"

"Thanks! Ya, "Doom Generation" is one of those films that is terrible but I like the concept and the reasons that Gregg Araki made the film. LOL, so I like that the film exists but think it is dreadful"

"And before anyone tweaks out and starts leaving rude comments please check my Queer Cinema - LGBTQ Favorites list for gay themed films that didn't make it to this list."

"OMG, I really try to forget about all the the "Ernest" movies. I do confess that I have seen American Pie Band Camp and did enjoy the first "Bring It On" but really there is only so much stupidity I c"

"There are a few films that took me *way* too long to see and I regretted it... "Sunset Boulevard" is the one that comes to mind. I'm looking for a dvd rental service where someone randomly stops by a"

"I actually like the part of Splice where the scientist sink into depravity. Speaking of Cronenberg if the film had gone down a "Dead Ringers" path... I would have loved the film. But no... *sigh* cre"

"I will try to add to this list over time so please feel free to make recommendations. Note: I don't give films a star rating if I feel that I need to rewatch the film."

"Ha, it is another list that will develop over time. Still not sure about the layout."

"I'm wondering how I have never seen Nostalghia. Something I plan on correcting very soon ;)"

"Nice choices and a good spectrum... didn't love "Dark City" but that is a personal issue that I'm trying to cure with medication and shock therapy."

"I loved "Heart to Heart". I have to say the the current formula of male female investigators who fall over themselves to not have a romantic relationship gets old after a few seasons."

"Ha, this was actually the list I was looking for but I had to vote on a few others on my travels. Nice to see eXistenZ listed."

"Kevin Spacey is amazing. I have to say the Matt Damon one cracks me up."